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Journal of the KSAS 2024; 52(1): 65-75.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5139/JKSAS.2024.52.1.65
Cross-Entropy-Based Framework for Preliminary Design of a Multi-Stage Interceptor Considering Engagement Boundary
교전영역을 고려한 다단 유도탄의 교차 엔트로피 기반 개념 설계 프레임워크
H. H. Na*, J. S. Hwang*, T. H. Sung** and J. M. Ahn*
나형호*, 황준섭*, 성태현**, 안재명*
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology*, Agency for Defense Development**
한국과학기술원*, 국방과학연구소**
This paper presents a novel optimal design framework for a multi-stage interceptor considering the engagement boundary. The framework utilizes the Cross-Entropy Method(CEM) to handle the complex design procedure, considering system and subsystem requirements. Optimal stage designs are applied to achieve effective mass distribution at each stage. Remarkably, the proposed population-based derivative-free design method exhibits excellent convergence performance even with intricate design components, involving aerodynamic calculations using Missile DATCOM and nonlinear simulations for evaluation. The interceptor model in the nonlinear simulation accompanies coasting phases and corresponding guidance strategy, and thus the framework can consider the operational characteristics of a multi-stage interceptor during the optimal design phase. A case study demonstrates that the proposed framework can effectively satisfy the system requirements and subsystem constraints.
Cross-entropy Method, Multi-stage Interceptor, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, Engagement Boundary
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